Survey for ESSER Funding


Moulton-Udell CSD

Nov. 29, 2021

Moulton-Udell Community School District has received ESSER funding for our schools. ESSER stands for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund from the federal government.  The district would like your feedback on the funding expenditures. Please review the following slides and then fill out our survey below. 

The first round of ESSER funding was used for the unexpected and immediate needs for COVID-19 response in our schools between March of 2020- Fall of 2020. The funding was categorized into areas of:  instruction, technology, and maintenance. 

GEER stands for Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund.  This money was established under the Federal CARES Act and was to be targeted towards districts’ technology needs in responding to COVID-19 for needs from 2020-2021 school year. 

ESSER II funds were allocated during the 2021-2022 school year to continue responding to district needs with COVID-19.  Categories include:  Instruction/Support and Technology 

ESSER III funds are to continue to support the district’s needs in responding to COVID-19.  These funds are to be expended after ESSER II funds are depleted and can be used through June 30, 2024.  Targeted areas include:  Instruction/Support and Technology.  Districts are required to spend a minimum of 20% of the allocated funds specifically on efforts to address learning loss.  

Click here to fill out the ESSER Survey